About me

Hi everyone, thanks for being here!

I'm Alessandro, a maker from Italy with a deep passion for electronics. My journey into technology began with modding my good old Galaxy S2, which sparked my interest in learning more. I started a blog to share modding tutorials, and soon after, I taught myself some C and C++ programming. My skills kept growing and I started to being interested also in the hardware, and in 2018, I took things further by starting university. A few years later, I graduated with a degree in Electronic Engineering.

Since 2019, I've been using Home Assistant to create my own home automation system designing custom boards. Now, I believe it's the right time to share projects with the community.

In 2023 I started from zero a campaign on Crowd Supply for the ESP 360 Remote, a compact solution to control IR and RF appliances with extreme software flexibility. Fortunately, the campaign succeded, and thanks to the final proceed I'm here with the will to propose you new (hopefully) great, open-source hardware!